Death of Christina Angela Liberkowska

The Association wishes to announce the death of Angela Thomson nee Christina Angela Liberkowska (her painting name). She finally succumbed to Motor Neuron Disease after fighting for 3 years with the condition. She passed away peacefully at home in her sleep on Saturday 6th July surrounded by her family and friends who cared for her fondly.

Angela was born in Acharn by Aberfeldy and attained her art degree at the Art College of Duncan and Jordanstone in Dundee, under the tutelage of James McIntosh Patrick and Alberto Morroco. She was previously a president of the Art Association ( in the Pitheavlis Castle days) eventually handing over the position to Gillian Booth. Angela attended many classes during the time with the association and enjoyed life drawing the most. She exhibited every year until her condition made painting impossible.

Angela has donated part of her body to medical science to help develop a treatment for Motor Neuron Disease in the hope that others may benefit in the future.

The funeral for Angela Thomson will be held on Friday the 19th of July 2024 at 3pm in Perth Crematorium, all welcome. If you wish to send on your condolences please contact her son via his email.

David Thomson’s email –

She will be missed deeply.

