About Us

A bit about our history and aims of our association.

Welcome to The Perthshire Art Association.


The Art Association for the City and County of Perth was formed on 9 November 1912 with the 17th Earl of Moray appointed as its first President. Robert Hay Robertson, a wine merchant and grocer and one of Perth’s greatest, if unassuming, benefactors, was appointed Chairman of the Management Committee.

We are the oldest established artist membership organization in Perth & Kinross and have enjoyed charitable status since 1968. Our membership currently exceeds 140 honorary, full, lay and student members.

The Association has always promoted an appreciation of art and the staging of art exhibitions has been a key feature of our activities since the outset. One of the benefits of Full membership of the Association is the opportunity to submit work for the Annual exhibition and any other exhibitions organized by the Association from time to time.

    Robin H Rodger has kindly created a paper with the complete history of our art association in pdf format. Click on the button below to if you would like to read it.

    Join Our Association

    Do you like what you see? Why not become a member now? (Student memberships are free)

    Our Story

    The Association has long prided itself as a mixing pot of artists. Whether they be art school trained and pursuing art as their principal career or those for whom the making of art is a more leisurely activity, all are equally welcome.

    Since its foundation, through the good offices of the local authority in its successive guises, the Association has held its annual exhibitions in the former Sandeman Library (1913-31) and since 1952 (with the exception of 2000 and 2012) at Perth Museum and Art Gallery. In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull a Young Artist Competition targeted at local secondary schools has been held as part of the Association’s Annual Exhibition since 2007.

    Many leading citizens of Perth have been involved with the Association over its long history and many well known Scottish artists of the 20th and 21st Century have been involved as invited artists and guest openers of the Annual exhibitions.





    Our Key Values

    The promotion and encouragement of art is continued through the programme of classes, workshops, demonstrations and lectures, which the Association through its elected Management Committee organizes on an annual basis. Through these activities the Association promotes its Objects which are;


    • To foster an interest in the visual arts in the City of Perth and in the District of Perth & Kinross
    • To encourage young people to take an interest in the visual arts.

    Our Committee

    Philip Edwards


    Robert Garden

    Vice President & Treasurer

    Maggie Wallace


    Tom O’Grady


    Ruth Dunsire

    Workshops / Exhibitions Sec

    Stuart Roxburgh

    Classes Co-Ordinator

    Jean Livingstone

    Demos/Lecture organiser

    Regan Shaw

    Demos/Lecture Assistant

    Allan Perera-Liyanage

    Exhibition Assistant

    Join Our Association

    Do you like what you see? Why not become a member now? (Student memberships are free)

    Call Us

    (+44)7720 959626